Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen in a liquid state at an extremely low temperature. At atmospheric pressure, liquid nitrogen boils at −196 °C and is a cryogenic liquid known for its rapid cooling properties. Liquid nitrogen can be stored and transported in specialized cryogenic containers.
Laboratory studies involving long-term cryopreservation of cell lines, cell samples, stem cells, blood, blood components, other cells, and bodily fluids
Extracorporeal clinics through blood preservation, reproductive cells (sperm and oocyte) preservation, and other biological samples and materials
Molecular gastronomy
Visual effects in events, beverage presentations, etc.
REVIVAL offers all the necessary equipment for the use of liquid nitrogen in dermatological clinics. Cryopexy of liquid nitrogen with a capacity of 200 or 300 ml is available. A range of accessories for the proper use of liquid nitrogen is at your disposal, such as:
Mobile bases for moving containers
Level measurement and automatic refill systems
Transfer systems
In recent years, there has been a new trend in using liquid nitrogen both by dermatologists-cosmetologists and in physiotherapy centers. Scientists have found that by exploiting excessive cold, the destruction of pathological tissue is achieved, including cancer cells. The beneficial properties of liquid nitrogen have also provided an opportunity for the sports sector to develop existing cryotherapy methods, which have so far been deficient and in some cases caused side effects such as minor burns (e.g., ice packs), without local anesthesia. Thus, new physiotherapy centers using a special chamber, usually individual as shown in videos, convert liquid nitrogen into gas, maintaining its properties, treating any problem, and allowing the patient to return to his daily life revitalized. Clearly, basic safety measures must be observed by the specialist. Some cases where cryotherapy is recommended include:
Acute injuries - Soft tissue injuries (muscle strains, ligament or tendon injuries, sprains)
Acute inflammations of any cause
Painful, acute, and chronic muscle spasms
Postoperative swelling
Reduction of cellular metabolism
Constriction of capillaries (in the early stage)
Reduction of blood flow (in the early stage)
Reduction in nerve conductivity
Reduction in the transport of white blood cells, especially phagocytes
Reduction of venous and lymphatic drainage
Reduction in muscle fiber inflammation
Reduction in muscle response (spasm)
Molecular Gastronomy
REVIVAL supplies liquid nitrogen to world-renowned restaurants and hotels, collaborates with award-winning chefs, bartenders, bars, dining centers, and gastronomy professionals. The applications of liquid nitrogen have allowed specialists to engage in molecular gastronomy in a wide range of activities, from food or drink preparation to the exploitation of the spectacular effects it offers. REVIVAL's services and direct service stand out in the competition, resulting in long-term collaborations and mutual trust with giants in the restaurant and gastronomy industry.